Wednesday, May 25, 2005

AA Meeting Spot

Having a positive buzz about a product is every marketer’s dream. Buzz is a viral marketing tool that comes generally through word of mouth backed up with a recommendation. If done correctly, you can really get a large group riled up over an issue or situation. The only problem about buzz is that it is extremely elusive.

When posting about Jeremy Rose yesterday, I stumbled upon my first web site entirely devoted to a race horse. As a big horse fan and a huge proponent of using the internet to promote causes and products, I was just taken back. Of course this site will not be enough to get this race horse buzz around it, but if you pair this site with the current successes, you get quite a nice combination and will surely create a buzz.

It makes me think of The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. The Tipping Point talks about how little things can become big deals simply by having the right people interested or involved. Social trends and desires are really just the behavior and likes of Influentials, being spread by word of mouth. Isn’t that the whole point of having a site like this created?

The site itself is very inviting and interesting. It most certainly will keep the attention of someone new to horse racing with Alex’s Journal, flash animation intro, and the Day in the Life of Alex section, while still maintaining content targeted to those highly interested in racing with the Trainer Notes and pedigree, owner, trainer, and jockey information. What I truly love about this site is it’s “cocaine elements” as authors Vincent Flanders, Dean Peters would say. The journal of Alex and the Trainer’s Notes are updated often and encourage viewers to stop back periodically and see what the status is. This site very well could be a gateway to buzz if the right people come upon it. Perhaps the next race horse Breyer model will be of Afleet Alex. And after that who knows, but I can say that I think this site will most certainly not hurt their cause.


Blogger Kathie Legg said...

Damien, you are spot on

6/01/2005 5:45 PM  

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