Saturday, June 11, 2005

Is group think better?

The Internet is known for bringing like minded people together.

Are you a single girl in DC with no friends? No Problem, Meet-Up has 20,645 members they can connect you to in the DC area.

Want to buy something on ebay, but question the reliability of the transaction? No problem, the seller has 1,000 positive feedback comments.

Want to watch a movie, but not sure which? No problem, Netflix can align your likes and dislikes with others who are exactly like you and recommend movies they liked.

Have you ever wondered if Eight was really Jenny 8. Lee’s real middle name? No problem, Wiki has assembled a conglomerate of p2p information for you about her.

Though, I must admit, I cant help but wonder if this sheep like herding is hurting us. Is it hindering society outliers? Can people still think outside the box when group think is in nearly every part of ones life? Would this stifle minds like Einstein and Darwin? Or would it actually help them by providing a place for them to exert their thoughts to the world through blogs and websites? Is there really such a thing as a Smart Mob or do you agree with James Surowiecki when he says “The more we talk to each other, the dumber we can get”?


Blogger Kathie Legg said...

ha! noted. Nor do i have no friends. I've got you GSPMers!

6/12/2005 1:24 AM  
Blogger Kathie Legg said...

D, we have a mutual friend who likes to meet girls on these sites…

I am right there with you and completely ignore random people who email through those sites.

6/12/2005 10:32 AM  
Blogger Mr K said...

I know people who are friends with other people who they have met through the internet. Usually not delierately though, mostly on forums where they happened to get to know each other.

But as per topic, no I don't think it necessarily reduces mavericks. After all, they can just IGNORE the internet, but if they want to they can tap into a network of people, who, if they are discerning (and I imagine mr Darwin would have had to have been more discerning than, say, friendster), could help them clear up problems and... I've actually lost track of where this sentence is going entirely.

6/12/2005 10:54 AM  

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