Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Top 10 Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics

It’s that time of year again… when we vote for those Who are Changing the World of Internet and Politics on Politics Online. I would like to point out that The Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet (IPDI) is on the top 20 list and of course I highly recommend voting for us!

During its six years' existence, the Institute has established a national and international reputation as the premier center for the study of the Internet's effect on politics, producing practical studies that address the larger questions about the Internet and politics. IPDI's staff have developed materials during that time that have helped academics, advocates, and practitioners understand the potential power of this new and evolving technology. The variety of scholars, real world political operatives and the Politics On Line Conference make them on of the most unique and comprehensive actors in the field of politics and the Internet. The Institute provides a balance of dreamers and data driven realists who tell us what we know and help push us to contemplate a variety of ideas and concepts we should get to know.

You can vote for us here.


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