Know Your User
I came across a very interestingly designed webpage this evening and thought I would bring us back to the topic of site navigation. Take a look at this site and let me know what you think.
Is clicking just a habit? Does this site make you feel uncomfortable? Did you click?
Believe it or not, over half of the unique visitors clicked the screen.
I think it’s great when people think outside of the box and come up with new website techniques… but I am not convinced that sites should be in the habit of breaking people’s habits. When working on a campaign site, be aware of common, almost brainless, user habits and accommodate them. Another useful piece of knowledge is knowing where the user’s eyes look on websites. Take a look at these two studies:
Is clicking just a habit? Does this site make you feel uncomfortable? Did you click?
Believe it or not, over half of the unique visitors clicked the screen.
I think it’s great when people think outside of the box and come up with new website techniques… but I am not convinced that sites should be in the habit of breaking people’s habits. When working on a campaign site, be aware of common, almost brainless, user habits and accommodate them. Another useful piece of knowledge is knowing where the user’s eyes look on websites. Take a look at these two studies:
Great post! Great resources! Brings me back to my days of social science research!
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