Friday, June 17, 2005

Napster leading the way, again

Napster and Ericsson are joining forces to create the first digital music service for cell phones.

Could this mean podcasting will finally catch on? Will someone actually listen to Newt’s recordings?


Blogger Kathie Legg said...

Cool! My concern is that there is just a small percent of people who actually own ipods, and for the most part, those owners are not very representative of the US population. Cell phones on the other hand... who doesn't have one? This would open podcasting to the masses.

6/18/2005 9:27 AM  
Blogger Kathie Legg said...

My dearest Adam,

I appreciate you taking a look at my blog… but funny you should mention the purpose of it. Adam, believe it or not, this blog is dedicated to a class project… so I am not quite sure the prestigious George Washington University would like to give me a grade based on a blog about my life or simply little Klegg idiosyncrasies. If you are interested in the wonderful world of Kathie, I kindly would like to direct you to . Though, I will warn you, that blog is seldom updated. Please enjoy, thanks for the feedback.

Yours truly,

6/18/2005 8:49 PM  

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