Thursday, June 23, 2005

Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights, Oh My!

The Chinese government and Microsoft have teamed up to prevent free speech by Chinese citizens on blogs.

Users of the MSN Spaces section of Microsoft Corp.'s new China-based Web portal get a scolding message each time they input words deemed taboo by the communist authorities -- such as democracy, freedom and human rights.

"Prohibited language in text, please delete," the message says.

It’s really a shame to see the Internet so restricted for some users. It seems like with every new technological development comes a whole stream of questions. How far is too far? Is it okay that I can see the IP Address of everyone that comes to my site? Is it okay to say I do not agree with a government policy online? Is it okay to blog about my job? Is it okay if I write a blog about a candidate I like?


Blogger Cody Ryan York said...

I look at Microsoft’s actions in China differently. They are only abiding by the “law” of the land. I am sure that our government is using similar software to track possible terrorists. Some may not like that, but a company or individual needs to follow the law of the land or face the consequences.

Wow, I just defended the Evil Empire.

6/23/2005 1:09 PM  

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