Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Next Generation of Wikipedia

Because Wiki has become a reference used quite often in class and because it is an example of group think at its best, I thought I would share this post by Russell Buckley with you.

Russell brilliantly comes up with the idea of making Wiki interactive with cell phones.

Let's look at how this might work.

You're in London and are standing in a pleasant, sunny street in Camden Town. City life is going on around you and you fancy the idea of knowing a little more about where you are right now.

Using your phone, as if it was a PC mouse, you uncover snippets of information from the world around you. You click on an old house in the road and a wealth of digital information comes onto your phone screen. Some contain video and audio links.

You learn that the house is on the site of one lived in by Charles Dickens' wife after their separation. You're interested in Dickens so you poll the area and find that there's actually a tour of Dicken's Camden Town that afternoon.

Out of curiosity, you look up how much this kind of house would be worth, what local rates and taxes are. And you read a review of a local citizen's view of schools in the area.


Blogger Unknown said...

First a comment to klegg: I think you make a good point. But, as someone who has studied theories such as "groupthink" ad nauseum, one of my pet peeves is that I think the concept is overused. It was conceived in reference to a particular political context. I'm not sure what you mean when you mention groupthink w/regard to wikipedia.

To idealist: The idea that vegetarians need to combine protein sources came from the first edition of Diet for a Small Planet, and was corrected in a later edition.

6/21/2005 1:25 PM  

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